Nick Cook, Editor
Issue #428 | June 21, 2023
Mysterious merger drama with a lawsuit over ownership as a California green energy company buys out an Eagle Ford frac sand mine for $20 million.
Lots more to read in this busy digest with articles about wet sand, northern white, dune express, sand delivery, more mergers, and a whole lot more.
And now, the news…
Cavitation Technologies provides a proprietary, chemical free water treatment technology that is used to clean and recycle water used in the fracking process and is currently targeting many of the same customers that Eagle Ford already supplies sand.
Last week, an intriguing frac sand M&A transaction was press released involving a $20mm LOI acquisition of an Eagle Ford frac sand operation.
Squabbles among business owners occur occasionally, but it’s doubtful there are any quite like the one involving the principals of Eagle Ford Silica (merged with Cavitation Technologies).
PB O&G Magazine has a great piece covering the recent trends in Permian frac sand innovations we're seeing tested.
Two other business combination transactions worth noting that are relevant in the space.
Smart Sand announces a white paper that builds upon earlier research that NWS could be the smarter long-term play for well efficiency.
The first long-haul overland conveyor system to deliver proppant is under construction in the Permian Basin.
DJ Basin player enters the Permian Basin with a pair of asset purchases from private-equity vehicles.
The frac service space has consolidated quite a bit over the past couple years – the BIG are getting BIGGER in pressure pumping.
Woods laid out his recent challenge to his internal staff to find ways to double the company’s per-well recoveries in its U.S. shale operations over the next five years.
Highlight for leadership changes in a few key positions in the frac sand world.
Under the proposed rules, some registrants also would be required to disclose Scope 3 emissions if such emissions were material to investors or if the company had made a commitment that included reference to Scope 3 emissions.
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