The Petroleum Connection is pleased to announce that we will be holding a Frac Sand Asset Showcase on September 15, 2021 at the Gaylord Texas Resort & Convention Center.
The “Asset Showcase” will be an opportunity for those with frac sand equipment and assets to sell to be able to distribute information about those assets to companies interested in buying used equipment and assets.
The Asset Showcase will run from 3pm-5pm on Wednesday, September 15th, the day before the start of the largest frac sand event of the year: The 10th Annual Frac Sand Supply & Logistics Conference.
It will be free for sellers to reserve a table at the Asset Showcase, and free for interested buyers to participate as well. The only requirement to attend will be that individuals will have to be registered for the Frac Sand Supply & Logistics Conference.
Tables are limited and will be reserved on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Those interested in reserving a table should contact Pete Cook at [email protected].