Nick Cook, Editor
Issue #151 | January 24, 2018
High Roller Sand announced today the commencement of production of high quality hydraulic fracturing sand from their fully automated...
For over a year, we’ve heard all the reasons why the 23 planned in-basin sand frac sand mines in West Texas won’t get built (or why they will be delayed into perpetuity). We submit the...
Crude oil prices rebounding to three-year highs have drawn investors back to energy stocks, driving energy-sector groups to some of the largest moves among industries over the past four weeks...
Get all the details on the Permian’s latest frac sand mine to be announced…
Chesapeake Energy and BP executives will take the stage for the keynote presentations at the inaugural DUG Haynesville conference and...
Some energy producers are still willing to pay more for Wisconsin’s high-quality fracking sand despite increasing competition from Texas producers...
Who’s looking to get in on the hydraulic fracturing boom? We discuss in this update...
Last week, my day job took me to the Permian Basin. A colleague and I arrived late at night at our hotel in Fort Stockton, Texas. The hotel parking lot was full...
The ‘hottest shale play’ has been the media’s favorite cliché for the Permian Basin over the past year. And while cliché, the basin straddling West Texas and New Mexico has lived up to this description—its oil production, unlike that in other basins...
Here are our key takeaways in terms of general oilfield service market insights from the Halliburton conference call on Monday morning...
Superior Silica Sand is finding reliable rail service for its customer base a challenge. Rick Shearer, company president, said Tuesday that some sand shipments are being trucked to other rail...
Frac sand mining is the latest boom to hit the Permian Basin and one facility is making sure road safety is the top priority. Black Mountain Sand's Vest facility is located in Winkler...
Wayfinder Corp., announces the opening of their 2nd unit train frac sand storage and transloading facility in Gold Creek, Alberta. The Gold Creek facility is connected to...
A La Salle farm promoted nationwide as a possible sand mine has yet to be sold. On Dec. 7, Fine & Co. conducted an auction for the 240-acre property. "We're in the process...
The state of Wisconsin will hold a hearing next month to review whether a Georgia timber company should be allowed to fill wetlands for a frac sand processing site in Monroe County...
A prospective frac sand company with claims to thousands of acres in southeastern Minnesota intends to pursue its challenge of Winona County’s ban on frac sand mining in a higher court...
Explanations for how fracturing works are often based more on the imaginations of experts than observations of the damage caused by hydraulic pressure. A rare study that spent the tens of millions of dollars required to get...
It’s hard to imagine Anaconda without slag heaps. Driving into town, they’re the first thing visitors see. Large obsidian piles of fine, sand-like byproduct leftover from the days of the Copper Kings...
Badger Mining Corporation is pleased to announce the release of Badger Tundra™, a first of its kind, activator-free, low-temperature resin coated Northern...
A lot is on the line for state Sen. Carlos Uresti as his criminal fraud trial commences with opening statements this morning in U.S. District Court in San Antonio...
Prompted by public outcry over a property owner's move to bulldoze an alfalfa field and turn it into an RV park, Eddy County commissioners spent half of 2017...
It takes a certain type of person to take on the risk of starting one business let alone multiple startups. A lot of hard work goes into molding a great career in entrepreneurship...
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Phone: 214-984-1615 | 33800 Tyler Road, Walkerton, IN 46574
- separate golfer registration required
- Evening open for client dinners
- by Invitation Only
• Nick Cook, Petroleum Connection
• Tim McMahon, UT Bureau of Economic Geology
• Ryan Hassler, Rystad Energy
• Joseph Triepke, Infill Thinking
• Hayden Gillespie, Black Mountain Sand
• Marcus Morton, Cyber Square
• Adam Katz, Badger Mining Corp.
• Brian McConn, Atlas Energy
• Pete Cook, Petroleum Connection [M]
• Kevin Fisher, PropX
• Bob Carter, IAC
• Chris Cloud, Saber Asset Group
• Ryan Zorn, Liberty Energy
• Sam Reynolds, Marathon Oil [M]
• Aric Christman, Encino Energy
• Charlie Crisp, Crisp Supply Chain Solutions
• Jose Sagaseta, Vorto [M]
• Matt Martinez, Texas Chrome Transport
• Sergio Sabatini, OmniTRAX
• Isaiah Martinez, WTS Energy Group
• Rick Pattillo, Lobo Logistics
• Nick Cook, Petroleum Connection
• Kirby Wilkerson, KBW Partners [M]
• Dane Walker, Wall Street Sand Company
• Dr. Anthony Konya, Konya Mining Company
• Jim Otteman, Imperium Enterprises
• William Hitters, CEO, Luxmath Consulting
• Alex Meleshko, LIUM Research [M]
• Matt Oehler, PropX
• Anna Omsberg, SandPile
• Steve Brock, Nomad Proppants
• Nick Cook, Petroleum Connection [M]
• Chris Samanns, Signal Peak Silica
• Dave Frattaroli, High Roller Sand
Event Registration – $25