Nick Cook, Editor
Issue #171 | June 13, 2018
In a slide deck released this morning, Schlumberger provided some interesting comments on frac sand.
Locally sourced frac sand gets the job done at a discount last week, Alpine Silica, a private supplier of frac sand, announced that it will open two new frac sand...
A Texas sand miner is planning to open a new plant near the small West Texas town of Van Horn near the state's Permian Basin oil field.
Emerge Energy Services LP EMES recently announced plans to expand its in-basin sand operations with a new mining and processing facility, which is located in the Kingfisher County, OK. Superior...
After recent requests from members, we’ve created several different looks at the geographical distribution of Mid-Con frac sand production sites on various maps. Members are welcome to download maps in...
Alpine Silica announced two new frac sand projects, one in Van Horn, Texas and the other in Fay, Okla. The company secured nearly 51 million tons of reserves for the...
Chippewa Sand Co. filed its request in December to expand from its present 176-acre site, which features 142 acres of mining, west of Bloomer in the town of Cooks Valley...
In the wake of the Mid-Con sand rush, we were left wondering just how many US completions will have access to plentiful local sand supply in the years to come.
Seeking Alpha is proud to welcome Kyle Willinger as a new contributor. It's easy to become a Seeking Alpha contributor and earn money for your best investment ideas. Active contributors...
Peru will pay only $721,903 of a $4.41 million project to overhaul the old railway and reduce truck traffic on Route 251.
Dwight and Ruth Swenson witnessed a bluff disappear next to their property near Hixton in Jackson County. "It feels like an earthquake when they’re blasting," Dwight Swenson said. "The house...
Federal regulators cited a contractor working at a Trempealeau County frack sand mine after a bulldozer driver was trapped underwater when his vehicle slid into a pond in late May.
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Phone: 214-984-1615 | 33800 Tyler Road, Walkerton, IN 46574
• Nick Cook, Petroleum Connection
• Tim McMahon, UT Bureau of Economic Geology
• Ryan Hassler, Rystad Energy
• Joseph Triepke, Infill Thinking
• Hayden Gillespie, Black Mountain Sand
• Marcus Morton, Cyber Square
• Adam Katz, Badger Mining Corp.
• Brian McConn, Atlas Energy
• Pete Cook, Petroleum Connection [M]
• Kevin Fisher, PropX
• Bob Carter, IAC
• Chris Cloud, Saber Asset Group
• Ryan Zorn, Liberty Energy
• Sam Reynolds, Marathon Oil [M]
• Aric Christman, Encino Energy
• Charlie Crisp, Crisp Supply Chain Solutions
• Jose Sagaseta, Vorto [M]
• Matt Martinez, Texas Chrome Transport
• Sergio Sabatini, OmniTRAX
• Isaiah Martinez, WTS Energy Group
• Rick Pattillo, Lobo Logistics
• Nick Cook, Petroleum Connection
• Kirby Wilkerson, KBW Partners [M]
• Dane Walker, Wall Street Sand Company
• Dr. Anthony Konya, Konya Mining Company
• Jim Otteman, Imperium Enterprises
• William Hitters, CEO, Luxmath Consulting
• Alex Meleshko, LIUM Research [M]
• Matt Oehler, PropX
• Anna Omsberg, SandPile
• Steve Brock, Nomad Proppants
• Nick Cook, Petroleum Connection [M]
• Chris Samanns, Signal Peak Silica
• Dave Frattaroli, High Roller Sand
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