Nick Cook, Editor
Issue #184 | September 12, 2018
Texas mines that produce sand used in the hydraulic fracturing process are gaining ground against their Midwestern counterparts.
The push to develop local sources of frac sand — and significantly reduce well-completion costs in the process — started in the Permian Basin, but it didn’t end there. A...
Atlas Sand Company, LLC is pleased to provide an operational update regarding its Kermit, TX facility. On August 28, 2018, approximately 4 weeks after Atlas fulfilled its first scheduled...
Infill Thinking members can log in to see another exclusive report. This time, we report on the newest Permian mine startup before the official announcement, which we expect to make...
U.S. Silica, reported monster revenues and net income recently, and changed the narrative on frac sand with its recent earnings call. The over 100 year old company said that Northern...
In this update, check out what’s new in the narrative of frac sand’s transition to a local supply base.
North Dakota geologists are attempting to locate local sources of sand to be used for hydraulic fracturing as the oil industry demand grows. The North Dakota Geological Survey is collecting...
Eagle Ford local sand update.
Demand for sand used to drill for oil and natural gas is hitting record levels, but a fast-growing Texas sand mining industry is adding to a glut in the market...
Two years ago, many investors had the same idea: tapping the dunes of the West Texas desert to supply shale drillers with the sand they use in fracking. Now, around...
About 20 sand mines will soon be operating in the booming Permian Basin, but they are not all expected to survive as demand for their product, fracking sand, has slowed,...
The good old midwestern drenching we got in Oklahoma this week did not deter our mission of gathering firsthand intelligence on the Lower 48’s second largest drilling and completions market.
The East Texas Eagle Ford may not be as big as the South Texas Eagle Ford, but the former is oilier, slightly more shallow and has comparable porosity, according to...
Anadarko Petroleum, is picking up where it left off last quarter, continuing its strong momentum in the DJ and Delaware Basins, where the company expects to yield more than 13%...
In the dry, dusty plains of West Texas, home to America's most prolific oil play, the problem isn't too little water, it's too much of it.
If you want to take the pulse of the North American oil and gas market, one of the best places to start is Halliburton's quarterly conference call. As the largest...
Permian Basin oil and gas producers are increasingly turning to rail and trucks to ship the flood of crude oil emanating from West Texas oil fields to Gulf Coast refineries...
Stanley Bates was sentenced Tuesday to 15 years in prison after pleading guilty for his part in a scheme that stole millions of dollars from investors.
Over the past month or so I've been getting in touch with some friends in the Midwest area who are fighting against the frac sand mining issue. I was interested...
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- separate golfer registration required
- Evening open for client dinners
- by Invitation Only
• Nick Cook, Petroleum Connection
• Tim McMahon, UT Bureau of Economic Geology
• Ryan Hassler, Rystad Energy
• Joseph Triepke, Infill Thinking
• Hayden Gillespie, Black Mountain Sand
• Marcus Morton, Cyber Square
• Adam Katz, Badger Mining Corp.
• Brian McConn, Atlas Energy
• Pete Cook, Petroleum Connection [M]
• Kevin Fisher, PropX
• Bob Carter, IAC
• Chris Cloud, Saber Asset Group
• Ryan Zorn, Liberty Energy
• Sam Reynolds, Marathon Oil [M]
• Aric Christman, Encino Energy
• Charlie Crisp, Crisp Supply Chain Solutions
• Jose Sagaseta, Vorto [M]
• Matt Martinez, Texas Chrome Transport
• Sergio Sabatini, OmniTRAX
• Isaiah Martinez, WTS Energy Group
• Rick Pattillo, Lobo Logistics
• Nick Cook, Petroleum Connection
• Kirby Wilkerson, KBW Partners [M]
• Dane Walker, Wall Street Sand Company
• Dr. Anthony Konya, Konya Mining Company
• Jim Otteman, Imperium Enterprises
• William Hitters, CEO, Luxmath Consulting
• Alex Meleshko, LIUM Research [M]
• Matt Oehler, PropX
• Anna Omsberg, SandPile
• Steve Brock, Nomad Proppants
• Nick Cook, Petroleum Connection [M]
• Chris Samanns, Signal Peak Silica
• Dave Frattaroli, High Roller Sand
Event Registration – $25