Nick Cook, Editor
Issue #202 | January 16, 2019
Vista Proppants and Logistics, LLC, today announced a long-term agreement with Chesapeake Energy Corporation CHK, +4.40% whereby the Company will supply the industry leading exploration and production company high crush...
They’re coming in so fast that it’s hard to keep up… don’t worry, we’ve got it documented, mapped, broken down, and analyzed for you here.
If you pay close attention to the sand and logistics space, then you have probably noticed that lots of specialized firms are press releasing contracts with one particular operator lately....
Preferred Proppants, LLC announced today that it has commenced commercial operations at its resin coating facility in Monahans, Texas. True to its reputation as an innovative and forward-thinking industry leader,...
U.S. Silica Holdings, Inc. purchased a former ceramic proppant facility located in Millen, GA. The facility will be converted in order to manufacture high-end products for the company's Industrial and...
Emerge Energy has seen its stock price climb back in recent weeks as the overall market, and oil, begins to find its footing again. There hasn't been much to report...
In light of recent contract enforcement news, we constructed this time series on a sand producer’s key customers.
For the first time in months, there is advertising space available in the Frac Sand Weekly News Digest! Take advantage of this easy way to get your company’s name, product...
Hi-Crush Partners is making headlines again in ways investors typically wouldn't prefer, through suspending their dividend. However, I couldn't help but to see the glass half-full, namely because now they...
Today, we extend our coverage of the 2019 oilfield outlook by responding to a question readers have recently asked us about the addressable market for frac sand.
IAC, the leader in the design and construction management of turnkey Frac Sand Plants continues to enhance its commitment to US based sourcing and production. IAC’s state-of-the-art Frac...
Vaca Muerta, the “Dead Cow” shale formation in Argentina’s west, is believed to be one of the largest shale plays globally, “the Argentine Permian”, and the play that can turn...
WTI at $42 on Christmas Eve was something that that almost no one expected on Halloween. The chief debate that oilfield suppliers are grappling with in early-January is how macro...
Emerge Energy Services LP unit Superior Silica has contracted to supply sand from its in-basin mine in San Antonio for Chesapeake Energy Corp.’s growing fracture/completions program in the Eagle Ford...
The slump in oil prices is forcing oil and gas producers to take a cautious approach to capital spending in 2019. While many large oil companies are aiming to match...
United States-based frac sand producer Hi-Crush's sales plummeted in the fourth quarter of 2018 due to lower levels of fracking. On January 7, Hi-Crush reported sales of just 1.97 million...
In mid-December, Infill Thinking drew a conclusion based on a sighting of physical evidence we observed in the field. This week, we close the loop on that report with additional...
Those interested in opening a frac sand mine (or existing mines looking for additional capacity) should be aware of two opportunities in Kermit, Texas.
Athabasca Minerals Inc.announces initial test results for the Montney In-Basin frac sand project.
Cuadrilla Rebuffed In Plea To Relax Fracking Regulations...
Plans to quarry for silica sand on farmland in Cheshire have been approved by councillors, despite more than 800 objections. Residents and anti-fracking groups campaigned against Sibelco's plans in Cranage...
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Phone: 214-984-1615 | 33800 Tyler Road, Walkerton, IN 46574
- separate golfer registration required
- Evening open for client dinners
- by Invitation Only
• Nick Cook, Petroleum Connection
• Tim McMahon, UT Bureau of Economic Geology
• Ryan Hassler, Rystad Energy
• Joseph Triepke, Infill Thinking
• Hayden Gillespie, Black Mountain Sand
• Marcus Morton, Cyber Square
• Adam Katz, Badger Mining Corp.
• Brian McConn, Atlas Energy
• Pete Cook, Petroleum Connection [M]
• Kevin Fisher, PropX
• Bob Carter, IAC
• Chris Cloud, Saber Asset Group
• Ryan Zorn, Liberty Energy
• Sam Reynolds, Marathon Oil [M]
• Aric Christman, Encino Energy
• Charlie Crisp, Crisp Supply Chain Solutions
• Jose Sagaseta, Vorto [M]
• Matt Martinez, Texas Chrome Transport
• Sergio Sabatini, OmniTRAX
• Isaiah Martinez, WTS Energy Group
• Rick Pattillo, Lobo Logistics
• Nick Cook, Petroleum Connection
• Kirby Wilkerson, KBW Partners [M]
• Dane Walker, Wall Street Sand Company
• Dr. Anthony Konya, Konya Mining Company
• Jim Otteman, Imperium Enterprises
• William Hitters, CEO, Luxmath Consulting
• Alex Meleshko, LIUM Research [M]
• Matt Oehler, PropX
• Anna Omsberg, SandPile
• Steve Brock, Nomad Proppants
• Nick Cook, Petroleum Connection [M]
• Chris Samanns, Signal Peak Silica
• Dave Frattaroli, High Roller Sand
Event Registration – $25