Frac Sand Weekly News Digest

Nick Cook, Editor

Issue #215 | April 17, 2019

This Week's News

How Blockchain Helps Optimize The Upstream Sand Value Chain

Imagine being a completions engineer at a remote West Texas well site performing a hydraulic fracturing operation. You’ve just run out of the frac sand needed to complete the job...

8 Takeaways From SPE’s Permian Symposium

Infill Thinking was honored to participate and attend the SPE’s Permian Symposium in Houston yesterday. Special thanks to all the events organizers and presenters – it was a great experience...

Involved With Oilfield Water?

Subscribers who are also involved with oilfield water issues should consider signing up for Oilfield Water Weekly, a free newsletter which brings together all the relevant news related to produced water (similar to what this newsletter does for the frac sand industry).

The Biggest Questions In The Frac Sand Industry Today

With the US oil and gas industry booming, now is a great time to be in the frac sand industry. That said, there are a number of questions that the...

Simmons Energy’s Proppant & Industrial Minerals Model Updates & Q1'19 MSHA Thoughts

As the public frac sand players report Q1 results over the coming weeks, we expect relatively upbeat forward guidance. The conflation of improving demand (partially a function of less white...

Railcars Full Of Local Permian Sand Begin Rolling East Into Big Spring…

One of the key takeaways from our Permian Basin recon trip a couple months ago was that intra-basin railing of local sand was about to become reality. In this boots-on-the-ground...

IAC Completes High Roller Sand 115 Plant Frac Sand Dry Plant In Kermit

In just seven months, IAC has designed, built and commissioned the newest frac sand dry plant in the Permian Basin for High Roller Sand, an innovative leader in the frac...

Two Frac Sand Short Line Railroad Companies Win Awards From The American Short Line And Regional Railroad Association

The American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association handed out more awards and installed new officers yesterday at its annual meeting in Orlando. The association presented the 2019 Veterans...

Chevron-Anadarko Deal Sends Shale Stocks Surging

Shares in some of the biggest shale companies soared on hopes that Chevron Corp.’s $33 billion deal to acquire Anadarko Petroleum Corp. could start a wave of consolidation in the...

Mega-Scale M&A Is Finally Here In Shale. Who’s Next? (4 Things On Our Mind After Chevron’s $33bn Bid For Anadarko)

Much is being written about Chevron bidding $33bn to take over Anadarko this morning, and rightly so. Instead of yet another transaction rehash, here are four quick thoughts on our...

What Will 2019 Look Like For EOG Resources?

Houston-based E&P company EOG Resources’ fortunes are looking increasingly favorable as we head further into 2019. The oil driller significantly reduced its cost of drilling after oil prices fell from...

Frackers, Chasing Fast Oil Output, Are On A Treadmill

Shale companies from Texas to North Dakota have been managing their wells to maximize short-term oil production. That has long-term consequences for the future of the American energy boom...

Here’s The SCOOP On Year-To-Date STACK Rig Count Slippage

Our regular weekly rig count update this week shines the spotlight on the SCOOP/STACK rig count...

Shale Jobs In Jeopardy Despite Oil Price Rally

Oil prices continue to rally, but not all is well in the US shale patch as drillers are facing both operational issues and have laid off hundreds of people. US...

DSL Action In Austin – Conservation Plan Leadership Passes The Torch

Infill Thinking has learned some new details in the Permian Basin saga involving the Dunes Sagebrush Lizard. These details involve a key leadership change and the 2019 conservation plan...

Property Conversion In Carlsbad, NM Helping To Address Housing Shortage For Frac Sand Terminal And Other Workers

The former Post Time Saloon is set to become part of the solution to one of Carlsbad’s biggest problems: housing. Many Carlsbadians remember getting drinks at the popular saloon, and...

Caught On Video: Frac Sand Train Goes Off Rails Near Scranton

Four train cars were caught on camera as they fell off the tracks Tuesday in Lackawanna County. Just after noon, those train cars carrying thousands of pounds of sand derailed...

Frac Sand Box Spill, Clean Up

Frac sand clean up from last week. Truck rolled over and box split open. BTR Environmental getting the job done!

Frac Sand Company Featured On “Manufacturing Marvels” Television Segment In Wisconsin

The AF Gelhar Company, Inc., located in Markesan, will be featured in a video production spotlight on Fox 11 Business “Manufacturing Marvels” at 9:30 p.m. Friday, highlighting 100 years in...

Silica Sand Found 200 Feet Below Ground In Southern Manitoba

Silica sand has been discovered deep beneath the ground in southern Manitoba, but whether it can be produced is still in question. “We believe it’s a viable mineral to produce,”...

Shifting Sands: Market Disruptions Deliver Savings In Permian

Disruptive technologies overturn traditional business models. Examples of such disruption abound. Social networking, smartphones and even low-tech frac sand have all significantly disrupted the status quo in their unique way...

Combining Interests: Couple Marries Habitat Restoration With Farming, Thanks To Revenue From Selling Land To Frac Sand Mine

Ashly Steinke didn’t grow up on a farm, but he always understood their importance to small communities. His wife, Stacy, did grow up on a farm, and Ashly said he...

Minnesota Supreme Court Weighs Winona County Frac Sand Case

A sand mining company argued before the state Supreme Court on Wednesday that it should be allowed to mine silica sand in Winona County despite a local ban on the...

Florida Legislature Unlikely To Pass True Fracking Ban Bill

The history of fracking bills in the Florida Legislature offers a better understanding of what’s happening this legislative session. Since at least 2013, the Florida Legislature has proposed legislation dealing...

Ineos Warns It Is Likely To Abandon Plans To Frack In England

Gain a global perspective on the US and go beyond with curated news and analysis from 600 journalists in 50+ countries covering politics, business, innovation, trends and more...

With Frac Sand Disruption In The Rear View Mirror, “Executing In The New Normal” Is A Major 2019 Theme

Status quo in frac sand? Yep. For the first time in two years, disruption is in the review mirror not smack dab ahead of us. See how and what’s next...

Industry Buzz Heard Around The Sandpatch This Week Emphasizes Execution In The New Normal (8 Interesting Datapoints)

It’s only Tuesday, but two major frac sand industry gatherings have already happened in Texas this week. Much of the buzz we picked up from these events (one of which...

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  • Frac Sand Equipment Expo Begins 9:00 am
  • Shuttle Service from Hyatt to Expo Begins 10:00 am
  • Welcome Reception at the Expo 4:30 pm
  • Shuttle Service from Hyatt to Expo Ends 6:00 pm




  • Frac Sand Equipment Expo 20'x40' Space $3,500
  • VIP Dinner on November 19th $7,500
  • Coffee Mugs SOLD
  • Notebook SOLD
  • Speaker/Sponsor Reception on November 18th SOLD
  • Conference Mobile App $3,000
  • Day 1 Kick-Off SOLD
  • Day 2 Kick-Off $3,000
  • Lanyard SOLD
  • Networking Lunch on November 19th SOLD
  • Networking Reception Glasses SOLD
  • Day 1 Morning Break (Video ad) SOLD
  • Day 1 Afternoon Break (Video ad) $2,500
  • Day 2 Morning Break (Video ad) $2,500
  • Day 2 Afternoon Break (Video ad) $2,500
  • Case Study 1 $2,500
  • Case Study 2 $2,500
  • Charging Station $2,500
  • Printed Program SOLD
  • Conference Wifi SOLD
  • Golf: Water Bottles SOLD
  • Golf: Hosted Hole (Beverage Station & Contest) $3,700
  • Golf: Hats $3,500
  • Golf: Cigars $3,200
  • Golf: Divot Tools $3,200
  • Golf: Balls $3,200
  • Golf: Towels $3,200

The Frac Sand
Summer Happy Hour

Event Registration – $25