Nick Cook, Editor
Issue #381 | July 13, 2022
Mobile mines are a big part of this week’s digest. Nomad Proppants making a big splash while Hi-Crush continuing to grow their in-field presence even more.
Lots of frac sand news this week with the big number touted in the news: Texas sand prices up 150% since the start of the year. After such a high price jump, how can you afford to miss making connections at our upcoming events?
And now, the news…
Permian crude producers are facing a shortage of frack sand. New mobile miners say they can help ease the crunch.
A report from in-field sand mines: Nomad Proppants.
The Petroleum Connection regularly connects sellers of frac sand assets with buyers.
Frack sand, which gets blasted through shale rocks to unlock oil and natural gas, is averaging $55 a ton, up from $22 at the end of 2021.
A report from in-field sand mines: Hi-Crush.
Smart Sands expect sales volumes to increase 25%+ QOQ.
Demand is climbing as oil explorers turn the taps back on after Covid-driven cutbacks.
Could a frac sand greenfield project stalled by financial distress in the last cycle finally come full circle and serve the SCOOP/STACK frac market?
Latest figures will likely sharpen focus on the cartel’s struggles to raise its output ahead of Biden’s Middle East visit.
What to expect in Eagle Ford rig count going forward?
Because of the recent spikes in gas prices and insurance, this doesn’t necessarily mean sand hauling companies will benefit from the recent price increase.
Macro fluctuation continues to dominate the thematic discussion in 2022, whipsawing the oilfield outlook as it goes.
Amid war in Ukraine, Europe’s search for gas drives up prices and siphons liquefied natural gas supply from Asia and elsewhere.
Attesting to the overall surge in shale production costs, the cost of frac sand has more than doubled this year alone to $55 per metric ton, with the overall shortfall amounting to almost 1.3 million tons amidst worsening staff availability.
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Phone: 214-984-1615 | 33800 Tyler Road, Walkerton, IN 46574
• Nick Cook, Petroleum Connection
• Tim McMahon, UT Bureau of Economic Geology
• Ryan Hassler, Rystad Energy
• Joseph Triepke, Infill Thinking
• Hayden Gillespie, Black Mountain Sand
• Marcus Morton, Cyber Square
• Adam Katz, Badger Mining Corp.
• Brian McConn, Atlas Energy
• Pete Cook, Petroleum Connection [M]
• Kevin Fisher, PropX
• Bob Carter, IAC
• Chris Cloud, Saber Asset Group
• Ryan Zorn, Liberty Energy
• Sam Reynolds, Marathon Oil [M]
• Aric Christman, Encino Energy
• Charlie Crisp, Crisp Supply Chain Solutions
• Jose Sagaseta, Vorto [M]
• Matt Martinez, Texas Chrome Transport
• Sergio Sabatini, OmniTRAX
• Isaiah Martinez, WTS Energy Group
• Rick Pattillo, Lobo Logistics
• Nick Cook, Petroleum Connection
• Kirby Wilkerson, KBW Partners [M]
• Dane Walker, Wall Street Sand Company
• Dr. Anthony Konya, Konya Mining Company
• Jim Otteman, Imperium Enterprises
• William Hitters, CEO, Luxmath Consulting
• Alex Meleshko, LIUM Research [M]
• Matt Oehler, PropX
• Anna Omsberg, SandPile
• Steve Brock, Nomad Proppants
• Nick Cook, Petroleum Connection [M]
• Chris Samanns, Signal Peak Silica
• Dave Frattaroli, High Roller Sand
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