Nick Cook, Editor
Issue #395 | October 19, 2022
4 weeks out: 11th Annual Frac Sand Supply & Logistics Conference – Petroleum Connection
And now, the news…
Three reasons why this year is different...
You should keep a close eye on barges
All the responses to Infill's question: What is an underrated risk or opportunity in the U.S. oilfield that people should be thinking and talking more about into 2023?
The results of Infill Thinking's annual survey have us pondering the best routes for 2023...
Company founder has said leaving the public market would enable the shale driller to drill more; agrees to pay $4.3 billion for rest of stock
Since everyone is always interested in what the customers think, we’ve isolated their responses in the charts
Country appoints special representative to the stalled Greater Sunrise development after East Timor said it would consider seeking an investment from China
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Phone: 214-984-1615 | 33800 Tyler Road, Walkerton, IN 46574
Event Registration – $25