Nick Cook, Editor
Issue #400 | November 30, 2022
We hope everyone enjoyed a relaxing Thanksgiving following all the great times in San Antonio. In considering our own blessings, we are so thankful that our job is providing the means for an energized frac sand industry to come together. Thank you all for your continued support!
Frac sand supply outside of the Permian is looking particularly precarious as the potential of a railroad strike looms with congress looking to heavy-handedly force resolution to ensure supply. Local sand in the Eagle Ford takes a big hit with major fire at a sand plant. Within the broader frac sand community, a separate devastating fire took the house of Signal Peak’s Ryan Batla and his family.
Frac sand supply looking tighter and tighter as we go into 2023. But, we didn’t join this industry because it was mundane.
Also, this is the FOUR HUNDREDTH issue of the frac sand digest. We’re proud to bring you the latest in frac sand.
And now, the news…
Over the past couple weeks, the Eagle Ford frac sand market has gotten tight - real tight.
Amazing to see folks from throughout the frac sand industry helping out the Batla family.
A great summary of key takeaways from this year's frac sand conference.
For the nine months ended Sept. 30 the company sold 273,857 tons of frac and industrial sand – a 17% increase from 234,308 tons sold during the first nine months of 2021.
“Our hunch is that this may be pretty disruptive to Eagle Ford sand supplies (which were already very tight before this fire) through year-end,” Joseph Triepke, managing director at energy-research firm Lium LLC, wrote in a note to clients on Saturday.
Lawmakers aim to end long-running dispute between freight firms, workers
At its state of the industry conference Wednesday, the Canadian Association of Energy Contractors (CAOEC) said it expects 6,409 wells to be drilled in Canada in 2023, an approximately 15 per cent increase from 2022.
In the early hours of November 19, while contractors were working on an expansion project at our San Antonio mining facility, a fire broke out in the upper level of the wet plant.
The CRL facility provides frac sand for a number of our existing customers and is well positioned on the Canadian National ("CN") railway, providing direct access to our AMI Silica LLC. Taylor, Wisconsin transload.
A blaze at the Superior Silica Sands plant, which produces frac-sand to be pumped into shale wells when drilling, is jeopardizing the supply of the key component in the Eagle Ford basin, with frac sand prices having already tripled in 2022 so far.
GOP will push to boost domestic oil-and-gas production, and could use control of committees to scrutinize clean-energy programs
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