Those in frac sand for the long haul have a unique opportunity right now. Provided they see the sand oversupply abating in the next year or so, there are some bargains available out there for those with the resources, vision, and patience to take advantage of them. Whether it be transload equipment, frac sand plants, or established mines or land (for sand or water) in Texas/Wisconsin/Missouri/Arkansas/Oklahoma/Argentina, there are motivated sellers out there ready to strike a deal. The same applies for services. With the slow down in plant build-outs, EPC contractors are available and ready to work out deals for those who may need to expand or retrofit their mines (and those building new ones!).
The Petroleum Connection is in touch with many parties on both sides of the issue, so please let us know if you would be interested in any introductions or if your company has similar needs. We’d love to help industry people land deals which will be mutually beneficial! Contact Pete Cook ([email protected]) if you would like to talk!