Chris Jensen


Candidate Conservation Agreement With Assurances

Chris has worked extensively on NEPA permitting – helping E&P, pipeline, transmission, and sand mine companies manage biology, preservation, and wetland situations. Chris formed Canyon Environmental in 2008 and runs it again today, following a break from his firm in 2013-2019 when he was pulled into internal regulatory affairs roles at Chesapeake and BP. While working directly for the E&Ps, Chris’s time was spent on managing regulatory affairs, environmental issues, and permitting around a variety of hot button species like the lesser prairie chicken, the greater sage-grouse, the dunes sagebrush lizard (DSL), and bats. After returning to Canyon Environmental in 2019, Chris was contacted by members of the sand mining community in 2020 to help get the CCAA completed, sorted out, and permitted at the Federal level.