In our inaugural, informal, unscientific survey in the Frac Sand News Digest, we asked people two questions. Really, it was the same question from two different angles. We asked if they foresaw any of the following issues having a major impact (positive or negative) on their business in the next 12 months. Here are the answers:
Which of the following issues do you think could have a major POSITIVE impact on your business in the next 12 months. Check all that apply.
Simul-fracs: 71% (said yes)
Sand Prices: 50%
Gas Prices/Demand: 36%
Direct Sourcing: 36%
Mini/Mobile Sand Plants: 29%
Wet Sand: 14%
Unwashed Sand: 14%
Trucking Constraints: 14%
Access to Capital: 7%
Employee Recruitment/Retention: 7%
Simul-fracs were the clean winner in this category, though it was also good to see that 50% of the respondents thought sand pricing were going to have a major positive impact too.
Now, for the reverse of the same question. Which of the following issues do you think are likely to have a major NEGATIVE impact on your business in the next 12 months. Check all that apply.
Wet Sand: 36%
COVID: 36%
Access to Capital: 36%
Sand Prices: 29%
Unwashed Sand: 21%
Gas Prices/Demand: 21%
Employee Recruitment/Retention: 21%
Mini/Mobile Sand Plants: 7%
Simul-fracs: 0%
Direct Sourcing: 0%
These answers, I thought, were pretty predicable, though I thought the threat of mini/mobile sand plants might have been perceived as greater.
Thank you to those who participated in the survey!