Petroleum Connection Blog
Positive Oil News
by Pete Cook, President, Petroleum Connection A couple of recent articles indicate that there are reasons for optimism in regards to the price of oil
Refracking – Great Expectations For The Second Time Around
by Dava Jennings, Marketing Manager, Industrial Project Solutions With the upstream oil sector currently facing pricing declines, production efficiency and cost cutting is on
Keep An Eye On Mexico’s Oil & Gas Sector
by Pete Cook, President, Petroleum Connection Energy reform in Mexico was all the talk a year ago. Since then, a lot of work has
Managed Downtime As A Profit Center
by Robert Ober, CEO & Principal, Robert Ober & Associates, LLC Preventative maintenance and scheduled-managed-downtime, are terms that the Frac Sand industry hasn’t necessarily
New Generation Solutions For Frac Sand Storage
by Ben Fox, President & CEO, Legacy Building Solutions Any operation, fracking included, runs more efficiently when all the necessary materials are in one place
10 Tips For Making Your Dust Collector As Safe As Possible
by Camfil APC Team Comments moderated by John Davidson, Mid – South Regional Manager, Camfil APC Installing a dust collector into your factory revolves